Hi! <Waves>

Funny and honest tales from a made-to-work Dad of three, wobbling, graying, and laughing his way through parenthood. Armed to the teeth with Nerf guns, full of pie, fighting a chocolate addiction, but genuinely honoured to be at least half of Team Parents (yay!).
Showing posts with label scooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scooting. Show all posts

1 July 2016

My Scooter Shame...

I was doing so well that day.
I had put extra effort into spending fun time with Boy8, and was cashing in on it.
Then I did something dumb... Again.

<Bangs head against screen> Why do I do these things! <Bang bang>
<Misses screen and headbutts cup of tea>
OH NO! <Stands and gets tea all over croutch>
Arghghh!!! HOT!!!
<Sits back on spillage> <Accepts wetness>
Why? <To world in general>
Brainzilla: 'Because you're a lemon'
Ta. Uh-huh... <Nods>.. well... at least... I go well with sugar...
Brainzilla: <Gives me a look. Somehow>

I was rocking the Dadding (real word).
At least by my own definitions I was. I was home from work a grand total of ten minutes. In that time I bounced BabyBoy1 around, listened to Miss5's endless stories, and told Boy8 the good news. Rather drive to his laser sword fighting club. We we're scooting.
Hooray was the Boy8 response.

(Yeah, yeah, nice Luckdragon…
But can we make this story quick they open in fifteen minutes?)

Boy8's Cow and Goat racing club isn't far from our house.
I enjoy taking him. But I bloody hate having to get the car out, drive there, wait in traffic, tight road, no you go, no go on, park, wait in traffic, drive back, traffic, traffic, no you go, no go on, OH! Please! Just drive!, you go, park.
It's a fifteen minute round trip of fun. I can walk it in ten.
I like driving. BROOOOOMMMM and all that. But this is a short, annoying, painful journey.
So once the weather was better, the plan was to walk / cycle / scoot.
And the other day I finally remembered the weather was finally good. Enough.

The scoot was great fun.
I have my own scooter it’s got flame all over it. But scooting on your own as adult is always a bit weird. You get looks.
Scooting with your kids gets you smiles and cheeky comments.
A police woman called that journey 'that's one way to exercise'.
That kind of thing.

Boy8 is a fast scooter now.
I can just about keep up. It's definitely easier to scoot at eight. As at 30-Lots I constantly worry I am going fall off and explode into a fireball look a right muppet. I might even hurt myself. Ow. Or break something. OW!
Boy8 worries not.
Any kerb above 2cm is a potential terrible crash for me.
Boy8 does tricks over kerbs.

The drop off was uneventful.
Except one of Boy8 mates, that I know, appeared.
I jokingly pretended to slam his face into a table. Classic Dad humour.
As I had no idea what to say to actually say to him and wanted to be cool.
It's was laughs all round.

I left and tried to coolly unfold my scooter and scoot off.
It fell apart in my hands, and clattered to the floor. Bums.
I fight the urge to just run and hide. And Instead I put my scooter, now called Brutus, back together and scoot off.
Then because I'm now scooting on my own, sans le Garcon8, someone shouts at me as I pass...

ScooterAgeist: 'Aren't you too old to be scooting?'
Not yet! <Sticks up fingers> <Tries to look cool but is wobbling a lot>

I get home hot and sweaty.
Needing to wash. My leg hurts from balancing on one leg, and I'm very hungry.
Still Dad win!
Scooted Boy8 to his club which he loved! And didn't use the car.

Well that’s me tale done... you can all go now...
Yes, you too, madam at the back... with the beard... <Squints> Oh hi Mum! <Waves>
<Claps> Shooo shooo <More clapping> Go home!
Brainzilla: 'Tell them what you did next'
I don't want to... <Picks at the wall>
Brainzilla: 'Tell THEM!' <Shakes fist>
Brainzilla: 'You leave me no choice...'
<Slaps self> HEY! Stop that! OW!  <Slaps self> Fine. I'll tell...

As my old man knee was hurting. I took my bike to pick up Boy8.
I felt nice to on my bike. Safer.
I had, like a genius, left his scooter at the club.
It’s hard to carry anything when you scoot or cycle. Let alone a scooter.
So I grabbed tut scooter and found Boy8.
He was happy, had a good time, was ready to go.
But his mate. The one from earlier. The one I know.
He was there too...

Mate: Is that your scooter?
Boy8: Yeah... <BatEgo sensors activated>
Mate: That’s a baby’s scooter <Rhymes it with YOU SUCK>

The little [INSERT OWN WORD]...
I watched Boy8 visibly shrink from that dig. It was horrible.
He was so happy and full of confidence one moment. The next deflated like a balloon at a hedgehog wrestling party (common our way).
I stay calm and answer on behalf of my stunned, and hurt son...

What a mean thing to say! Fooooor shame
Ohh! That's one less Christmas I've gotta write next year! <Is fuming>
WAHHHHH!!! I’m telling!
I’m Batmam...
Face? Meet fist!
Just a small town girl… living in a LONELY world...
No it’s not (ZING! In your FACE!)
<I am ignored>
Mate: Where’s your trick wheel? That is a babies scooter...

(‘No. That’s not my scooter…’)

We say sweary BYE to his mate.
I pick up Boy8's crest which has fallen to the floor. There’s some mud on it, a bit of gum. But, quick polish, <Spits>, and it’s basically fine.
By the time we are outside, he has bounced back. Knowing he’s got a fun scoot home with his Dad ahead of him.

I point at my bike.
Boy8’s joy is diminished a bit. I know he was enjoying watch me shriek do battle cries at every kerb we had to cross. I no such troubles on my bicycle.
And now he will be trying to keep up with me.

I am just about to hop on me bike.
When Boy8’s swine mate runs over… TO BE MEAN AGAIN!

Mate: 'My scooter is way better than yours'

Again I have to watch all the fight and confidence sucked out of Boy8.
He seems to have no defence for this. It’s horrible. I hate it. He needs to learn some defence against the Dark Arts.
I am also not so passive this time...

You talkin’ to me?
Mate: ‘No’
You talkin’ to me?
Mate: ‘Er… What’s your Dad doing?’
You talkin’ to me?
Boy8: ‘Dunno… But that’s his De Niro impression...’
Mate: ‘How do you know? It doesn’t sound or look like De Nero in any way shape or form’
Boy8: ‘He gets all squinty, puts his head to the side and waves his hands about a lot’
Mate: ‘Oh. My Dad too!’

That would have been better to be honest.
Than what I actually did.
Because instead of showing Boy8 that you simply ignore gits people like this.
I engaged. I squared up to an eight year for a battle of sass and mean-ness.
I can honestly say, I felt I could get a win here…

Oh! And where’s your scooter?
Mate: ‘Its…;
<Interrupts> Well I don’t think you have one….
Or is it a babies one? Is why you haven’t got it? <Nods his answer for him>
Is it? I bet it’s a girls one, a pink one… <Smirky ‘you suck’ smile>
<Me and Boy8 scoot and cycle off with dignity>
<Mate left looking gutted>

I hate me for most of this.
And I apologise for the sexist girl and pink comment. That was, and is, wrong.
It shows how much I had lost track of what I was doing. That I felt the need to use stupid sexist stereotypes to out-sass this boy. I am very sorry for what I said.
But I wasn’t sorry immediately…

Immediately I felt good!
A win! The effect my comments had on Boy8 was fantastic. He was suddenly ten feet tall.
His Dad had just mushed into the ground, verbally, a rival.
His Dad had just duffed up a bully for him, verbally.
Of course Boy8 felt good.

We headed off.
And everything kept re-sinking in.
I realised that another parent may have heard me.
And without context, what on earth was I doing? Being mean to an eight year old for fun? For kicks?
<Hangs head>
Even with the context it’s not great behaviour..

A car passed us on the way out.
It was the mate’s Dad. I like him. His wife too. They are nice. I chat with them.
What if the mate tells on the mean adult (that’s me)? What if he’s in tears right now?
Crap! How do I ever face them again!

I’m quite quiet on the way home.
I’m thinking. Me and Boy8 still have fun though. But less than we should have had.
We get home, Boy8 eats his bedtime cereal (don’t ask), gets ready for bed, argues about brushing his teeth again, as the first time was utter rubbish, he eventually grumps off to do it again, actually does a good job, he reads, I read. We chat about what happened. He goes to bed.
And I am left, alone, to ponder on what I did.

Take it away Eric... (Karekoe version for singalongness)

My mistake become obvious.
I defended my boy to much. Someone attacked him (verbally) and I leapt in all guns blazing and blaring, and then throwing them when I was out of bullets.
I used all my years, and knowledge, to attack back. And I've some years now.
At an eight year old.


I confessed all to Mrs. Amazing later that night.
She laughed with me I think. She eased my worries and pointed out that if his parents were cross I could say what a smegger their child he had been. Fair point.
I felt a lot better.

I’m still furious with myself for the sexist comments.
I really am. I am sorry Miss5, that was a big slip up. I’m sorry Mrs. Amazing. Sorry Mum.
Sorry to all women everywhere. I used your sex as an insult. That was crap.
It won’t happen again.

I spoke to Boy8 about it all.
Before he went to sleep. I asked him what he should do next time. When someone is being mean like that. He said, and I quote…

Boy8: ‘Yeah you say…’ <Does me being mean voice>
Boy8: ‘Where’s your scooter then?’ <Is all pointy, like I was>
Boy8: ‘Do you even have one? I bet you don’t’ <Does me mean face>
Boy8: ‘A babies one? Is why you haven’t got it? Your baby's… got it…?!?... er...’
Boy8: ‘And it’s pink!.. .and… and…erm…’
Boy8: ‘What did you say next Dad?’
<Is appalled with self and Boy8 memory>

We spent a long time chatting. To undo all that crap I had put in his head.
I explained why and how we should ignore braggards, because they suck.
And more importantly, much more,  I explained why my sexist comments were so damn wrong. I didn’t fancy it up or deflect at all.
I made it clear that I, ME, had behaved badly and I was sorry to the universe.

I saw the mates parents the next day. They said nothing.
I choose not to bring it up, or will mention it ever, ever, ever.


12 May 2016

LyricTale: Praise You

In January, 1999, probably just after tiffin, ‘Fatboy Slim’ released a single from the rather excellent album ‘Come a Long Way, Baby’.
The single was ‘Praise You’.

(Big beat vinyl heaven… Mmmmm… <Drools>)

I love this song.
When it came out, the fuss as I remember it, was all about the video as it had some excellent dancing in it. And it only cost $800 to make (yes really), Which considering the awards it won, shows how smegging excellent itwasis (this is where 'itwasis' as a phrase was coined <Puts up a plaque> mark it well).
It features the fictional dance group 'The Torrance Community Dance Group', and well the results, are brilliant. I've been busting those on the dance floor for years in my mind.
But the song is brilliant too.

Lyrically, for me, this song has always been for Mrs. Amazing.
To me the songs tells of someone thinking about their relationship and how much it means. We, as the listener, have walked in on them butt-naked just at the moment when it dawns on them, they probably take their partner for granted. They don't celebrate and praise them enough.
Which does sounds pretty negative put that way, but for me the song is about realising the mistake and aiming to change it. So in fact a very positive song. Celebrating love and appreciation of that love. +ve. It says to me: Show Mrs. Amazing how happy she makes you by madly dancing, and don't take her for granted.
She'd rather go to the pub library.

But that’s changed.
I was out cycling with mini-Mrs. Amazing, Miss5, t'other day.
She had worked hard at cycling. She had complained her arms and then legs were tired at various points during the journey, but she had worked hard and I was proud of her.
Obviously I wanted to PRAISE HER (#ThePlotThickens) but as I went to.
I stumbled over my words.

I stumbled because what I was going to say was wrongo.
And I knew it. I was going to tell her she looked beautiful. WTAF?
The thought just flew into my head, I am very glad I caught it, and stomped it, before it came out. She did look beautiful. She looks like a mini-Mrs. Amazing. She's always going look beautiful to me.
But Miss5 had worked hard pedalling on her bike. What the hell does her looking utterly cute, and scrumptious, have anything to do with it?
Had it been Boy8 I would have said...
OMB! You are so slow, can you try cycling a bit faster next time... Shesh!
Nice cycling <High five>
Now watch a real man scoot off... <Scoots off>

But why?
Why did I want to tell her that she was beautiful?
What do I expect Miss5 to do with that information? Dad cares not how you cycle, but look pretty and you have his attention??
Urghghghgh!!! <Vomits on self> <Regrets it>

Brainzilla: 'You utter twonk'
<Nods> I just wasn't thinking...
Brainzilla: 'You know A LOT better than that'
<Hangs head in shame>
Brainzilla: 'And you look ridiculous scooting about at your age!'
<Stick fingers up behind back>
Brainzilla: 'I can see that you know'
<Does both hands>

My Miss5 plan.
Is to raise a brilliant (no pressure), funny (already there), friendly (meh, enough...), interesting (with spades) woman. Someone that I can sit in the pub with, and might lose at billiards too, every planetary alignment now and then.
I definitely don't want Miss5 worry about her appearance. I want her to love her body, her look and herself. Like she should. And better than I have.
As Dad my influence in this area is probably bigger than I expect. I am her male role model. Ek.  I have an awesome responsibility, and with great responsibility comes spider webs a daughter. I need to make sure Miss5 knows I love her for being her.
Not how she looks.
So when lying cheating swines men do enter her life, Miss5 expects the same from them.
To be loved and praised for what she is.
Not how she looks.

Brainzilla: 'You! Idiot!'
Yes alright! I didn't say though, did I!
Brainzilla: 'Yeah. But you thought it?'
Fur-cough Yes… But I won’t again...

So ‘Praise You’ is now for Miss5.
And yes Miss5 it has been a long journey together so far, and not always easy you terror.
But it's been bloody awesome too and I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. You are the second most amazing person I have ever met. I just need to remember to praise you… praise you like I shouldddddddddddd-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d...
<Leaps off madly>
<Hurts knee>

[Me and Miss5 out on bikes]
"We've come a long long way together,"
<Looks back> I can still see the car... <Rolls eyes>
I could probably still touch it to be honest

"Through the hard times and the good,"
Crying won't those pedals turn, now will it?
Miss5: <Innocently flutters eyelids> 'Can you push me?' <Is tiny>
<Is caught in mind controlling tractor beam eye fluttering he doesn't understand>
<... Tries to resist...>
<Ends up pushing>
Miss5: 'You know what Daddy?'
<Is pushing> Nope... What?
Miss5: 'Crying did make my pedals turn!'
<Instantly stops pushing>
Yeah... <Doesn't swear> Yes it did... HA... HA... haaarrrrrr... <Still doesn't swear>

"I have to celebrate you baby,"
Hooray! We've made it!
Miss5: 'Hooray' <Leaps about>
We made it all the way here, within THE DAY!
Miss5: <Still leaping about>
We were probably traveling at 1mpw, maybe 2mpw (miles per week)...
Miss5: <Still fisting pumping around in a circle>

"I have to praise you like I shoulddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"
Excellent cycling Miss5! You are brilliant!
Look at those muscles getting stronger every day.
All your hard work paid off! Look how far we've come! <Gestures>
<Can still see the car, but it's a bit smaller at least>

[Mad dancing in video starts]

"We've come a long long way together,"
Miss5: 'Oh NO! I forgot my hat, it's all the way back at the car'
Not to worry, I'll get it… <Walks> <Is back in seconds>

"Through the hard times and the good,"
Miss5: 'My legs hurt!'
Uh-huh. Keep pedalling...
Miss5: 'My arms hurt!'
Uh-huh. Keep pedalling...
Miss5: 'My hat keeps falling off!'
<Gaffing tapes hat to head> Uh-huh. Keep pedalling...

"I have to celebrate you baby, I have to praise you like I should"
Miss5: 'Up high!'
<Bends down to high five>
Miss5: 'To the side'!
<Knees hurt, side fives>
Miss5: 'DownLow' <No pause> 'You'reTooSlow'!
<Is utterly gutted> Har har har bugger...
"I have to praise you"
You look pretty today
You bloody nailed that!
"I have to praise you"
I like your dress
With that flowery dress on, you could hide in gardens and leap out at people and scare the crap out of them!!!
<Both run off to do that>
"I have to praise you"
Your hair is looking lovely
Is that brain leaking out of your ears? Common problem when you have a lot...
"I have to praise you like I should"
<Throws giggling girl about in the air>

[Mad dancing continues, mean man turns off music mid-video]
[Boos] [Music goes back on] [Cheers]

"I have to praise you"
You rock! <Does secret handshake> <Hugs>

"We've come a long long way together,"
Miss5: 'I can't go any further.. no more'
Hmmm... <Hopes car is like Kit and has driven round to pick us up, as we have only travelling away from the car>

"Through the hard times and the good,"
Stop crying... We just have to cycle all the way back now. Crying doesn't help that!
<Wind blows and Miss5 doesn't move, despite pedalling hard>
Cycling into the wind won't help much either... <Fears for the worst> <Fears we won’t get home this year>

"I have to celebrate you baby,
"I have to praise you like I shoulddddddddddddddddddd-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d"
Come on. You can do it. You are tough RARRRRRRRR!!! GO GO!!!
Miss5: 'RARRRRRRRR' <Pedals off>

"I have to praise you"
Ah-hem. Ladies and Gentlemen. My amazing daughter... Miss5.
"I have to praise you"
A evil genius hell bend on world destructive and enslaving everyone to her wicked designs and schemes! RUN!
Already an amazing and interesting person.
"I have to praise you"
There will be pom-poms and glitter everywhere!!!
She has nothing but potential in her. She can do anything. I know it.
"I have to praise you like I should"
Everywhere!!! RUNNNNNNN!!! <Is attacked by pom-pom guards shooting glitter guns>
Miss5 I love everything you are, it’s brilliant <Motions at all of her>
"I have to praise you"
You rock <Hugs>
OWWWWW!!! <Rubs shin> What was that for?
Miss5: 'You told everyone my evil plan' <Is miffed>-
OWWWWW!!! <Rubs other shin> Stop that!-No one read this far, it’ll be alright…

[Crowd cheers]