Hi! <Waves>

Funny and honest tales from a made-to-work Dad of three, wobbling, graying, and laughing his way through parenthood. Armed to the teeth with Nerf guns, full of pie, fighting a chocolate addiction, but genuinely honoured to be at least half of Team Parents (yay!).
Showing posts with label Boy8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boy8. Show all posts

10 June 2016

You Want to Buy What?...

Boy8 has been earning money.
Which is about time cool I can retire!.
Nothing wrong with earning a bit of cash for fun and hijinks.

But it does present one slight problem.
What does an eight year old spend his money on? Money that he has earnt and is therefore free to do with as he pleases. Well not pleases. He is eight, there has to be a bit of parental checking. But mostly whatever he wants, because we want to teach him that working for money gets him stuff...

You want WHAT?
Boy8: 'I just thought I would try it ... I might like it'
But it's utter, utter, crap!
Boy8: 'Come on Dad it's not as though I'm asking to buy the Beiber album'
<Heart flutters> Yeah I suppose… <breathes through it>
But still?... you really want that?
Boy8: 'Yes'
Fine… But I think it's a waste of money
Boy8: 'So you've said'
And crapola...
Boy8: 'Yes. You said. Still. I like it!'
And that's all that counts... isn't it?
Boy8: 'I don't understand... Why are you so against DC comics. You love Batman!’
<Looks away>
Boy8: 'He's DC!'
<Mutters> Only in name…
Look we hate all DC because... because... er… well they suck to start with…
and er… the Green Lantern! <Points>
It's very complex. You won’t understand. So go enjoy your non-Stan Lee, tiny, poorly formed, it's only Batman and Supes that sell it really, where's Spidey? Huh?, DC Universe...
Boy8: 'I shall. And I will love it!' <Eyeballs me>
Good I hope you do you... <I don’t>
<Both huff off>

Actually what he wanted to buy was a NERF gun. Thank bacon.
Which is a plastic toy gun that fires foam bullets. They are a right laugh to play with. I know.
They’re mostly safe. You'd have to try to hurt yourself with them really. But then that’s what Miss5 and BabyBoy1 regularly do. With everything.
Still, me, Boy8 and Miss5 have had many good laughs playing with NERF guns.
I have my own pistols for... work… purposes  <Does shifty eyes>

(Boss: ‘Office inspection!’
No! No! Don’t come in here!
Boss: <Gasps> ‘It’s… it’s… beautiful’
You’re not cross?… the trip wire!….
<NERF boom>
Ow <Removes bullet from nose>
<Removes bullet from bosses nose>)

I (me) don't think playing with TOY guns is a bad thing.
I’m of the thinking that if you take away the guns, they use sticks, take the sticks away, they point and cast magic spells on each other. And surely we have all learnt the dangers of stopping children casting magic spells from Frozen (that was the moral I promise).
Also I live in UK and there are very few real guns about.
We have them at airports, armed Corgis at Buckingham Palace, around London hidden under pillar boxes, farmers have shotguns that fire salt (some fire pepper) and there’s the odd gun club hidden away in a tiny village. Oh and Scouts tend to get to fire 2.2 rifles for fun when camping.
But that's it. Years can elapse between seeing a real life gun in my world.

So Boy8 isn't going to come into contact with real guns unless he is very naughty at the Queen, joins an 18+ rifle club, goes camping with the Scouts, or goes abroad where everyone has them.
So playing with toy replicas, IMHO, is fine as long as it's done in a safe and reasonable way.

And by reasonable I mean:
No head shots.
No other head shots.
No re-enacting death scenes from films he shouldn't have seen yet. And definitely no smegging executions. Yuk.
No aggression. The moment it stops being fun, it stops.
No shooting at Miss5 or BabyBoy1 (unless they are shooting at you).
No making me spill my tea.
No leaving loaded guns around for Miss5 and BabyBoy1 to find. I don't want to have to talk BabyBoy1 down from the chocolate cupboard.
No sitting about just holding a gun. That’s weird.
No running into the room and shouting 'Say hello to my little friend' and then wiggling your todger at us. That's my party piece.
No cackling. Soft or otherwise.
No shooting the cat. I am not sure why.
And no shooting either of Team Parents (yay!) early anytime in the morning as you may get NERF bullets shoved up your nose. Or worse.

Basically, you play nicely, happily and in good spirits. It's fine.
Much like crickets 'Spirit of the game', behave like a gentleman and we can all have fun.
However he wanted this...

(You need it because you’ve heard the U.S.A. have started arming their bears?...
Boy8: <Nods>
Do I need to get two one?
Boy8: <Nods>)

It's not very 'Spirit of the game' is it? It's more ‘Spirit of Death and Destruction'.

I know what you're thinking.
Just say no. If you don't want the shooty thing in the house. Just say no.
And I would very happy doing that. I can live with the endless hours of Why??? and tears? The stairing. The pleading.
That does not daunt me.

But it’s his money.
Boy8 worked hard for this. Washed cars, cleaned out rabbit poo, hoovered cars, and missed out on fun to earn money. He worked for his money. I’d be annoyed if someone told me what to do with my peanuts money. Same applies.
One day Boy8 should will become a man.
Then he will have to make his own decisions about what to spend money on, and why. So why not let him start now?
Even if his decisions are dumb gunney.

Of course Team Parents (yay!) met to discuss this.
We needed to check we were both fine about what Boy8 was about to bring into the house.
We have to consider Miss5, BabyBoy1 and the cat as well.
Mrs. Amazing had the same thoughts as me, he worked for it, he should be allowed to get it. He just better not shoot the crap out of us, all the time, every day.
Bullets up the nose and all that.

Anyhoo... It was ordered. It arrived. And I returned from work to this…

(That is not setting the table… Where's the chocolate bowl?)

Bit of a shock.
I found this weird to come home to. It's like something from a film.
I half expect to find him covered in camo-paint and flicking my clipper open and shut.
He was not doing that.

Instead though, he is really, REALLY, excited to tell me all about his new gun!
What each bit does, how it does it, why it does it, and all the different combinations it can do. And there's a lot. And he tells me over and over. It's really sweet.
It lovely to be around Boy8 when he is that excited about something.
Then because he's eight and really wants his Dad's (he did the same for his Mum earlier) approval, he asks me to have a go.
He offers his new and favourite toy and asks me to have a go. I don't like to be rude....
It is fun.
But I still hate the smegging thing.

As me and Boy8 talk about each part.
I realise that I know lots about guns and how they work. In fact a shed-load (Standard UK measurement). And I'm not a gun fan. I'm more of a hugger. <HUG!>
But I knew the names and use, for almost every part of his new death device toy.

Boy8: ‘What's this bit called Dad?’
Er that?... er... That’s a Drive-Socket-Blammer... it helps stop the bullets from wibbling about...<Is lying>
Boy8: ‘Really?’
Uh-huh. Blamo for short...
<Avoids Mrs. Amazing's eye>

I even knew why the bore (the tubey bit the bullet goes down) is all twirly (twirlyington) as though I was Leon a sniper rifle expert.
Which I am not. But it got me thinking...

Brazilla: 'OH NO! WHY! Don’t think! It hurts! I’m knackered!!!’
Brazilla: 'I'll make your leg hurt if you do!'
<Limps off>

Where has all my gun knowledge come from?
It's fair to say Commando, Highlander, Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon and Bambi (<Rifle crack>, 'Mother? Mother?') would account for some bits.
But the ingrained, almost second nature, understanding of guns? That can only come from long discussions, in depth, about a subject and I haven’t done that about guns since I was nipple knee high to a grasshopper (You're a very large grasshopper?), eight-ish, nine-ish, ten-ish.
Possibly just about the same age as Boy8's is right now...

<Penny wiggles about a bit, wobbles, leans one way, leans the other>
<Finally drops> <Plop>
O... This is important to him...
Brainzilla: ‘Ya lemon...’

Even so.
I'm not enjoying having the gun in the house except when it’s my go. It feels wrong.
Yes I know it's plastic. But it's aggressive plastic. It's let's kill everyone plastic.
I don’t like the power trip holding it gives him.
I don’t like that he can’t sleep with it in his room.
I don't like that Boy8 carries about it, from room to room. As though it's a teddy.
I don't like he watches me through the snipe scope.
I don’t like that it’s huge on him.
And I especially don't like it when he has it resting on the ground. Gun legs down for maximum stability. Long range sight on for precision. Waiting for his poor tired out Dad to innocently walk into the room trap...

<Is happily skipping and singing> Because I am liv-ing, in a mat… Back in black, I hit the sack...
<The trap is sprung>
OW! OW! OW! No head shots!
Boy8: <Giggles>
OW! OWWWWW! Ooooof! Fowl! Not there either!
Boy8: <Quiet cackling>
<Ducks for cover>
<Sound of a gun out of bullets>
<Re-emerges from cover> Oh-ho!
O dear, dear, dear, dear! Out of ammo huh? MY TURN... <Picks up two cushions>
I prefer the lower calibre approach... <Pats cushions menacingly>
Less chance of running out of bullet... <Big smile>
<Opens can of soft-cushion-whoop-ass on Boy8> <Spills it...>
Boy8: <Click> 'I have a spare clip you know'
I did not know that...
<Does Sundance Kid style rush into the rain of bullets, cushions in hand...>

(Who the devil are you? How did you get into my house?
Mr. Newman: 'I’m Paul! Hi!' <Waves> <Shoots>)


6 June 2016

Who Gets the Lie-In?

It's half term. (Was).
There's no school for a whole week.
The morning madness is on hiatus for seven whole days. Yay!
So, as there's no rush. Which of Team Parents (yay!) deserves the lie in?

I suggest we bare-knuckle street fight to resolve this...
Mrs. Amazing: ‘OK’
Queensbury rules obv. <Starts removing collar>
Mrs. Amazing: ANDGO!' <Sucker punches me in the nose>
BOWWWWW! By BASN'T BEADY! <Nose is bloody> (#NotABloodySwear)
Mrs. Amazing: 'OK... Sure...' <Circles behind me>
<Does scissor kick and trips me>
<Leaps on my back and goes to grab the back of my hair>
<Grasps at thin air>
Mrs. Amazing: 'Ha ha! I just went to grab the back of your hair so I could slam your face into the floor!
<Pauses> Yeah? And?
Mrs. Amazing: 'But what hair! Ha ha'
Literally kicking me when I'm down... <Is outraged>
<Throws Mrs. Amazing off>
Mrs. Amazing: <Does diving elbow strike to regain ground> 'Those lie-in's are mine!!!'
[All kids watching the bloody battle] (#NotABloodySwear)
Miss5: 'Who do you think is going to win?'
Boy8: 'Mummy. Daddy's bigger, stronger, a semi-trained ninja...'
Boy8: '... But Mummy wants it more'
Miss5: <Nods> 'That's true'
No! NO! Not the dishwasher!... ARGHHGGHGGHGHH BLUB BLUB!
[Kids get themselves breakfast whilst we chat]
<Sounds of kicking>

(Come on... top off… it’s definitely my rules not my rules <Whistles>)

Yeah... but no.
We don't fight like that anymore. I'd like to say Team Parent (yay!) sat down together, had a few biscuits, a entire tureen of tea and discussed, as the adults we claim to be are. How half term is going to change things and would anyone like a few minutes extra in bed.
But of course we didn't. Who has time for that crap.
Instead I just claimed the first day due to my incredible ability to not get up, and having crawled to bed the night before due to the bank holiday (I drink play very hard).
So this morning, again, I find myself still in bed, having a lie-in.
But this morning I’ve got the hummus guilt.

I know I have guilt because I am laid in bed trying very hard to justify to myself why I should get more lie-in's at half term.
And not Mrs. Amazing.

I present the case for me to get more lie-in's: <Adjusts Anna wig>

I'm involved in the morning madness.
I work close enough to home to be able share in the morning joys of dressing and cleaning children, leading the dishwasher dance, watching cartoons, quick book-read catch up, and the ever popular delights of breakfast, and its refusals...

You don't want the porridge I made?
BabyBoy1: <Shakes head>
Or the toast I toasted
BabyBoy1: <Shakes head>
Or this bowl of all the cereals mixed together, which you demanded, and pointed and shouted for?
BabyBoy1: <Pushes away plate, again> 'NOOOO'
What do you WANT then? Do you want MY breakfast?
BabyBoy1: 'DES!'
<Passes over fried egg>
BabyBoy1: <Throws food on floor, but is happy>
<Is not happy>

The main reason I get up in the morning is for love because the kids make me.
And by association, and prodding, and very noisy curtain opening, loud tuts, and being shove out of the bed, Mrs. Amazing.
Oh yeah... and work. (If my head wasn't screwed on... Oooo butterfly!)
In fact Mrs. Amazing will sometimes 'suggest' I get up with her.
She likes to 'Share the pain' when we both have hangovers are tired. And it's fair enough.
It's a good reason to get up together.
Also I'm a sucker for a hungover woman in need...

Mrs. Amazing: 'Help Obi-Wan, you're my only hope...'
<Knows is being manipulated> <Kind of likes it>
OK. I'll make the tea, and eat get the chocolate, you get pints of water and put on an awesome, manly, high octane, fighty-fighty, film!
Mrs. Amazing: 'Tangled? 300?'
Mrs. Amazing: 'Deal!' <Watches me race off...>
<... Goes back to sleep>

So in summary, my main arguments claims to the lie-ins are:
1. I'm still have to go to work.
2. I am a valuable member of the morning team during term.
3. You smeggers lot are all gonna have a lovely day watching movies, eating crisps, making dens, laughing and giggling and doing stuff I like.
4. My side of the duvet is 37% heavier and harder to escape.
5. Mrs. Amazing naturally wakes at that time anyway.

Pretty convincing huh?
Yeah, I know. How could I possibly lose? Those lie-in's are mine.

Except on that first day of half term.
As I left Mrs. Amazing for work. She looked unsure. She looked not ready for the day.
She didn't look like a day of fun was waiting to be had.

And that’s because Mrs. Amazing had a problem.
Quite a problem. We discussed it and I had no ideas. Which is rare for me. Sure most are dumb, involve R2-D2 being real, cake and going to bed at any time of day.
But a lack of crap ideas them? That’s not normally a problem.
But I think it shows what a tricky-thorny-smegface-bugger of a problem Mrs. Amazing had as neither of us had any answers for it.
Somehow, incredibly, Mrs. Amazing had to look after three half-term broken children, at home for eight hours. Alone.
And they all had to have live fun.

Boy8 is frazzled. Fried. Burnt out.
Half term was utterly needed. He needs to chill the sandwich out.
Imagine your most stressful day at work ever, with odd socks, then imagine being eight again and you can't drink, can't watch what you want when you get home, can't go cow tipping.
You can't even have caffeine. OMFB! <Runs off screaming>
That's what is going on inside Boy8 at the moment.
Stress and pressures in his daily life building up and up... And few outlets.
Hence the need for half term.
Boy8 is currently like a powder cake of silver birch bark, covered in petrol, sprinkled in fire lighters and match heads. In the sun. Feeling all spontaneously-combustible as well.
Just one spark. Anything. Anything at all.
And he will explode and take half the street with him. He's NITRO!

(Cool hair Boy8… Here catch!)

Dude? Can you ...
Boy8: <Door slams quietly>
Boy8: <Door quietly opens again>
Boy8: <Door is slammed proper hard this time>
... get yourself a plate for this chocolate cake, your favourite?
<Eats his cake>

Miss5 is also exhausted.
This is still her first year at school. Due to the madness of a floating Easter. This term was a special seven week long term! yay. What clever planning.
Miss5's condition is similar to Boy8's, except you can swap stress and anger for just general emotion. Teary, screamy, shouty, obstinate, clawy, heart breaking emotion.
Miss5 just needs to be given a big book of colouring-in, the odd biscuit pushed her way every ten minutes, and chocolate milk on tap. Oh and someone to listen patiently to her mad exhausted babble. And then someone to take over listening to her exhausted babble, when the first person (Mrs. Amazing) goes mad.
Miss5 just needs managing and she will be fine.
She also needs to be kept away from Boy8.
Which is surprisingly tricky in one house.

And BabyBoy1 is very needy.
And that's my fault totally. We didn't do much over the bank holiday weekend. Which means I relaxed and sat more than normal. Doing nothing. Good times.
However that means I am easier to find. Easier for BabyBoy1 to grab my arm, in his little hands, and softly direct me to where he wants to play.
I cannot, and neither want to, resist.
Three days of my attention BabyBoy1 got. Then I went back to work in tears.
Which leaves BabyBoy1 wanting Mrs. Amazing to do what I was doing. Which she cannot.
Mrs. Amazing is already in a pitch breakfast-battle busy with Boy8 and stopping plates and spoons being thrown about helping Miss5 to eat hers.
So BabyBoy1 is needy. Bless him.

It's also raining.
So they can’t go outside. Of course it is. It's nearly June in England. Summertime. Of course it's rainy and cloudy. It's cricket season. OF COURSE IT’S RAINING!
<Shakes fist at sky>
<Gets rain in eye>

And we've no money to go do anything.
Really. So Mrs. Amazing is wondering how to fill the next eight hours with Captain Sensitive (Boy8), Miss. Extreme-Emotions (Miss5), and the Baby-Limpet (BabyBoy1).
Yes they could visit family. But it would have to be VERY CLOSE, immediate family. The one's that can see past their current moods and tempers, and still love them, and let them into their homes.
Which is basically... me. I'm the only close family member the children could possibly be around, that will still love them afterwards.
And even I'm not that keen. But I am, alas, at work.

So that, essentially, is Mrs. Amazing's case for the lie-in's.
She needs the lie-ins because her work is trice as hard as normal, and the kids are pretty nuts at the moment. It's pretty good isn't it?

Share the pain. Team Parents (yay!).
<SIGHS> <Stomps about a bit> <SIGHS> FINE!
Stupid, damn guilt, damny making me damn well make the stupid-right damny choices and stuff.
Damn it!

[Later that second day]
So I thought... that... as I've had two line-in's already this week...
Mrs. Amazing: 'That you just took! And left me to get up with the children, and then spend all day with them? HUH?'
Yes <Maintains constant eye contact like you would a tiger> those ones
<Tries to look cute> <Fails>
<Is frowned at>
Well... I see now... that's not very fair... you lie-in for the rest of the week
Mrs. Amazing: 'Yes' <Gives me a look> 'I will!'

So that's why this morning...
I'm sat in my dressing gown, at ARGHGHGHG O'clock, on the cold floor of the kitchen, watching BabyBoy1 struggling to do two and three piece jigsaws. Wishing I had made my tea before I had sat. As my knees hurt and I don't want to have to get up again.
Plus I'm really regretting the mid-week pub outing that got very slightly out of hand.

(Obv. this isn’t mine! I prefer blue…)

It may sound horrible and un-fun.
But it's not. My head hurts, but that's my fault. It's actually lovely being up with them.
Huh?.... OH CRAP!!! I meant sometimes it's nice, SOMETIMES!!!
Brainzilla: 'Idiot'

I miss-out on this time with them otherwise.
I sat cuddled up with Miss5 watching her cartoons. Which was lovely.
I chatted with Boy8 about his plans for world domination the day.
And whilst watching someone (BabyBoy1) jigsaw badly is like having a spear poked through your nose quite, quite horrible, and brain destroying...
BabyBoy1 is hella cute, and very happy to be with me.
So am I (but with him, you see, not me with me, that would be weird.. I was trying to save some typing...).

BabyBoy1: 'ON NOOOO! NOOOOO! NOOOO' <Tries the same piece, in the exact same way, again, for the ber-millionth time>
Try this? <Turns the piece around a teeny bit>
BabyBoy1: <Bangs piece in easy> 'YAY! TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!'
<High fives all round>